Self Preservation


When you have something old you preserve it right, soi why do we not preserve ourselves. Once we hit adulthood life takes over. For me it was being married, working, having kids, buying house, and so on and so on. THe babies get older you go from doctor appointments and playdates to school activities, sports, and whatever else the kids have planned for you to do. In my case my husband was demanding and wanted every minute of my time. In your case it may be something or some one different. I stopped going to church, reading for fun, and doing many other things I loved to do.

Some people are lucky and have support to help with their everyday life, but what about the rest of us. We tend to lose a little bit of us at a time. How do we find that person we were? I am still working on it, but this weekend i realized it was fun to be soaking wet outside, dancing in the rain at a concert. I alos learned it’s not that hard to forgive your past and to not hold on. I know that I am in a great marriage now with someone who treats me well and things can change for me and anyone, if you make the effort.

My effort is making sure I have my own quiet time every morning to read, do my morning devotions, pray, meditate, and exercise. I also knew i needed help so i have a counselor twice a month, I recieve reiki, and go to church. FOr me this works. YOu may need to do something else. FInd your niche and take the time to do what you need for yourself. If their is one thing I learned its I needed to feed myself as I was drained. Just liked those old candleabras, the outside of your house, or anything else that may need to be preserved.

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