

As this is the year of me  and it is February when things start to slow down. I have taken on a new goal for myself to live a healthier lifestyle. I have decided  to lose the rest of the weight I need to and have given myself a year to do it. I have also decided to get off of dating websites as they are very demeaning for someone like me.

I show the world how strong I am however I will always have the inkling of low self esteem that is what happens when you are used to being knock down for years. I am above that now though and am making many  exciting plans for the next year.

I know I can do this no matter how hard it is going to be and I hope that through me my daughter follows in my footsteps. With her Special Needs it is really hard for her to get out there, however in the last few months she has been doing more to become independent. She even would not let me go into the room with her at the doctors, and she did fine.

I need to stay focused on my goals and to continue to grow in my life. Everyday I tell myself:

I can do this!!